Raw Cacao Truffles Recipes
- 3/4 C cashew butter
- 1/3 C cacao powder
- 1/3 C cacao butter, melted
- 1/2 C pure maple syrup
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 C filtered water
- Pinch salt
- Toppings of your choice: I used matcha powder, diced hazelnuts, cinnamon, chocolate sugar, cacao powder, and cacao nibs. Feel free to use dried fruit, diced nuts, etc.
- Chop up the cacao butter very finely, and then place in a bowl over a pot of boiling water, and stir until melted. This only takes about a minute. You should have 1/3 cup melted cacao butter
- Place all your ingredients except the cacao powder into your blender and blend on a low to medium variable speed for about 10 – 15 seconds until smooth.
- Add in the cacao powder and blend until just incorporated.
- Transfer mixture to the fridge or freezer to firm up for a couple of hours.
- Using a small melon baller or ice cream scoop, roll into small individual balls and roll in your favorite toppings.
- Chill until ready to serve.